Advisory Board
Advisory Board

For an educational institute, it's important that the educational program is and stays top-notch. Especially in a very fast developing world like Free and Open Source IT technologies. The Advisory Board consists of people from the FOSS industry, which are working on a high level, on a daily basis with Free and Open Source and innovative concepts. It's the task from the Advisory Board to give advice to the Chancellor and his team what needs or needs not to be changed to the curriculum from OpenSource Science.
Advisory Board Members
Marya Yaqin M.Sc BICT BA
Marya has completed 3 formal educational degrees, including a Bachelor of Business Administration (BA), Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology (BICT), and Master of Public Administration (MSc). The combination of these three achievements, as well as her experience in IT-related areas (+20 years), enable her to operate as a link between IT, enterprises, and government organizations.
Richard Varghese M.Sc
Chief Operations Officer at Onestein. He is an Open Source Evangelist with a background in Strategic IT Leadership & Management, Enterprise Architecture, Global Outsourcing & Strategic Partnership Development worked with similar roles at CIT, Canna, Coca-Cola amongst others.
Peter van Vliet BICT
Peter started his software development career over 20 years ago. Over the course of these years, he has gained extensive experience with a wide range of technologies. Nowadays, as the co-founder of Masking Technology, he leverages his expertise to assist companies, work on open-source projects, write articles, and speak at conferences. .
Are you a captain of the FOSS industry who finds our initiative important enough to support our cause? Then you can apply for a membership of the Advisory Board. Just fill in our contact form.